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(1 edit)

I added triggers but I am having issues with them. There's no redeem on my twitch, sub & follows dont work. Only thing that work is if I add chat message :/ twitch is connected too

Make sure my software is not blocked by your firewall. Also try to go into Settings -> connections and deauthenticate twitch and try to re-authenticate!

I tried that multiple times and still no redeem :( but the follow/sub ones worked when streaming.

i will do some testing! ^^ I am currently a little busy, but expect an update soon!

I would love the feature to set the percentage of how often an item will show up.  Say you want one item to be more rare so it has a slider to set it to only %10 of the time.


Will be added in the future ^^

no matter what I do I'm not able to have 2 separate redeems where each one only yeets out a specific item. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if this isn't something that's capable right now. has anyone else been able to do this? 

(1 edit)

Currently items cannot be tied to different redeems! I intend to add this feature in a new version soon!!!

ohhhh okay!! tank you so much!! I thought it was integrated already and was driving myself crazy lol (im not good with tech)

What file type do the 3d models have to be to be imported?

.obj files work but they are colorless anyone else know?

I recommend using fbx-files ^^ make sure the textures are saved in the fbx file tho! (not just the path)

I have a problem that the connect to VTS button is grey and i cant connect, what should i do?

Have you enabled the API in VTube Studio? ^^

Thank you, that helped, everything is working great!

Hi! I am currently attempting to load my model into TITS. Although the software says VTS connected and VTS seems to have accepted the plugin, the model still remains green. Moving the model or enlarging the model in VTS will move the green model in TITS, but it just does not load my model in. The file types in the model files in VTS are .cfg, .cdi3, .moc3, .model3, .physics3, .vtube. Would that be the issue? I am running the program as administrator already, but still doesn't work. 

I am sorry for all the questions. Also thank you so much for developing the program!

Read the instructions! The model will forever be green, the effect is shown ON obs.

Good luck!

Use my program as a separate source in OBS and hit the F10 key twice ^^ The overlay will disappear, but thrown objects will still be visible :D

Thank you very much for the advise! I have downloaded your newest version, and I have placed it onto the OBS now, and followed every step of the instruction. But now on OBS, the model does react to the throw on F9 test throw, but the item being thrown is not shown? Sorry for asking stupid question again..

then it seems that OBS isn't capturing my software correctly ^^ Can you check that the correct window is selected? ^^ If that doesn't work, try launching OBS as administrato

Hay, I have a few questions. 

Is it possible to use 3D models too or really just 2D models? 

And does the program only uses the twitch channel points or is it possible to use the loyalty points from streamlabs too?

Only 2d,  inspired by the 3d version. It's called something similar

It is called TIFA but it only supports twitch channel points. And I don't have them on my channel.

For 3D I recommend using TIFA ^^

(1 edit)

I know TIFA but it doesn't support any other point system except twitch channel points.

Sadly I cannot promise to ever support 3D models! If I ever plan to do something like that, I would first talk with the creator of TIFA to ask for their permission, because that could influence their sale

Ahhh ok thanks for the info. If you ever get the permisson to support 3D models too would you maybe also add a support for other point systems? Like the streamlabs loyal points system that works mainly through chat commands?

yes, I want to add this! I actually already jmplemented it, but I have to wait for streamlabs to approve my app for API usage, because otherwise I cannot access events like dontations/loyalty points

Hi, I use a dual PC setup with OBS on one PC and VTube Studio on another. Please add support to manually enter the IP for VTS connection.

This is intended for the next version!

please check the latest version ^^ I added a setting in the Settings-Menu!

(1 edit)

Hi there!  First off; thanks for making this it's really great!

I'm having a little bit of trouble with importing new models though.  I have a model that imports fine, and then I click save, but as soon as I go back to the home view, that model is removed again.  This happens with the twitch emotes that are imported as well.  They basically vanish no matter what after I save them.  Am I missing something obvious?  :p

EDIT:  For anyone who finds this and is struggling with the same problem, run the program as administrator.  This fixed it for me!

Hi, I was wondering if you could consider letting us use custom sounds for the thrown stuff? Thanks!

Yes! I definitely want to add this in the near future! ^^

I'm stuck on the part where it asks to align the green outline with my model, but it's just a black screen? I assume that's why it's not currently working though, any help would be lovely! ;;'

Found it! My issue was you have to manually go into scenes and move the green fellow out manually if you've changed resolution since he shoots into space it seems. ^-^ ♥

Hello I cant connect my twitch account with the plugin because the
window to autorize the plugin never opens, I tried to disabling my firewall and antivirus and authenticate again and again in the settings but it also fails.
I dont know what to do to make it works to me  :(
(I translated this from Spanish)

hmmm... Have you tried starting TITS as administrator?

I tried too, but nothing ~ 2 days and I cant utilice the plugin yet

This is very strange... :/ Sadly I do not know why exactly it is not working :/ My program should try to connect with twitch and then open a browser to authenticate :/ I sadly do not know why exactly the connection to twitch is not possible for you :/


I will try to find a solution to this problem ^^

hello, to use the new versions we need to buy again the plugin? or where can I download it? ^^

is there anyway that we can get two avatar placements inside of a single instance? My wife and I co-stream so both of our avatars are on the screen at the same time. it'd be cool to be able to have one of us at a time to be hit by something. I tried to do two captures of the tool at the same time and OBS didn't like that 

I will add functionality for that in the future ^^ Currently that is not possible!

There's a bug where if you reject or accept a channel point (like mod view) during the stream it will repeat the channel point reward. So lets say you set a channel point redeem to throw 10 steaks at you, the event is done 10 times through the stream, and at the end of the stream (but with tits and vtube still running) a mod accepts all the redeems at once it will throw 100 steaks at you at once. Very funny! But probably not intentional.

It is intentional! :D A lot of people have enjoyed that functionality, but you can turn it off in the settings! ^^

Oh pft, I missed that! Sorry to bug you!

Hi! I have a fbx model but its not loading when I try to import it - is there something specific to the formatting of the file I need to do?

It might be that your file is too complex, try if simpler fbx files load properly ^^

Deleted 1 year ago

the only way currently is to download the latest version again and in there should be an Objects.tits file, that one contains all the model data

Will there be a feature in the future where we can tie commands or text messages to specific roles or users? It would be really useful for subscribers or things like the streamalerts bot.

(1 edit)

This is a good idea! I will definitely try to add something like that!

I've used this software on my streams now and it works nicely! Keep up the great work!

A little suggestion for feature:
- Right now, the bits trigger is super noisy with 1 bit for every bit being donated. Tried setting the minimum amount of bits, but that means the lower amount of bits won't trigger the throw. Tried setting multiple triggers, but that means higher amounts of bits would trigger everything (as mentioned in the "Install instruction" notes). Would be nice if we can have different exclusive models and/or settings for bits depending on the amount. (maybe use first-match basis for triggers?)
- Would be nice to be able to change the throw/hit sound?

I can definitely implement something like that in the future! ^^

not sure if I'm just being dumb but the "connect twitch" button is greyed out for me?

Try going into settings and de-authenticate the program and try to authenticate again ^^ If that doesn't work, it means that my program cannot establish a connection to twitch, which means that your firewall might be blocking it

Put everything to the lowest settings but it seems to keep crashing my VTubeStudio, not sure if there is anyway to fix this.

does it crash while TITS is just running normally or does it crash when objects get thrown at you?

I think it's only when objects are thrown

Can you test the newest version? ^^ I have reduced the number of API calls to remove the issue!

It seems to work much better for me thank you so much!!

Would this work with a non-vtuber, like a webcam streamer? Sorry if it's a silly question, not super familiar with how live2d works and if that's a requirement to get this setup.

yes, this would work with a webcam, because it is treated as an Overlay for OBS ^^ You can use the "Scenes" menu to overlap the overlay with your webcam and it should all work!

Deleted 2 years ago

- I don't know sadly why redeems and chat commands don't work on your machine ^^' We can work out together what the issue is!
- The model calibration is just to generally overlay your avatar and make the head position fit (which is where things get targetted at)
- For Scenes menu, you can drag the green overlay to move adjust it more precisely, rather than using sliders (sliders are meant for some adjustments)
- The "Add" Button was bugged, due to me being dumb ^^' They should work now after I uploaded a fix!

Deleted 303 days ago

I believe this project is only for Live2D avatars through VTS integration, if you have VRM models you can check out TIFA (Twitch Integration For Avatars)

Deleted 303 days ago

Hi, I would like to know what format is necessary to import models? Thank you for reading and sorry if i am annoying qwq!
(Im sorry my english is bad and im using a translator qwq)

The best format is .fbx in my opinion ^^ If your model uses textures, make sure those textures are saved in the fbx-file!

whenever an object is thrown the watermark fairy appears for a brief second. Tried rebinding the keys to see if it was the key but it still happens. 


That is indeed weird, do you use a webcam or iPhone for tracking? This might be an issue with the VTS API

hi struggling with scenes? they don't seem to work when paired with a streamdeck


Will look into that! I actually also planned to create native Streamdeck support!

I'm looing forward to seeing this come together, very awesome idea! thanks for developing it! also maybe an option to change the color of the green man?

it seems to work rather well, and it give even more for chat to do! is there a hashtag on twitter i can use for sharing videos

There is no specific hashtag (yet) :D Currently people just tag me (@Remasuri32) I have no idea what I would name the hashtag X

i'd say #tits but i'm pretty sure its taken. maybe #remastits but that sounds... weird

Tengo un problema. He comprado el programa, paypal me descontó pero aun no me llega el correo con el contenido. ¿Aproximadamente cuanto tarda?

¡Desafortunadamente no puedo ayudar porque lo maneja! :/ (Utilicé el traductor de Google para esto)

 It's super cool ! :3 If i get affiliate soon, i'll make sure to buy it.

Deleted 2 years ago

Currently, I do not have one ^^ I currently post updates on my twitter and the next feature I am working on, is a feature that automatically tells people if their version is out-of-date!

Is there any way to window and minimise the window?
Thanks! It's lots of fun!


I will patch this later, for sure! ^^ Currently you can only toggle between windowed and fullscreen ^^


Since VTube studio supports multiple instances of the software with different models loaded, would TITS also support connecting to multiple instances? I did a quick test and it seems to only want to connect to one instance.

I will be hotswapping avatars in the future and it would be nice to have this feature, along with a list of connected instances by window name ^^

This might become a feature in the future, but currently it only works with a single VTS instance ^^ But I set it up, so that model-configurations get saved per model, so that when switching models, the configuration will automatically be loaded ^^


Works perfectly for me! Super cool app, looking forward to the next updates!!

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